Hayden, the Footballer

Physical Statistics

Following are the physical statistics for Hayden. Most of the statistics are from the age of 15 years because he has been injured since turning 16 years which has prevented alot of training and testing.

Age: 17
Height: 171cm
Weight: 64kg
Bodyfat: 8%
40 metre sprint: 5.06seconds (hand timed from first movement)
30 metre sprint: 4.00seconds (hand timed from first movement) (on dirt in football boots)
llinois Agility Test: 160kg
Maximum Squat: 90kg
Maximum Deadlift: 59cm
Maximum Vertical jump: 65kg
Maximum Chest press Bodyweight plus 15kg
Maximum Chin up: Level 12.7
Beep Test: 61.5ml/kg/min
Max Treadmill Test 1.43 seconds
Best 10 meter split 1.22 seconds
Best 10-20m split 0.93 seconds
Best 20-30m split 0.91 seconds
Best 30-40m split 4.49 seconds
Total of Best splits

The best  10m splits have been taken and totaled to give an idea of what Hayden is capable of if he puts all of his best splits together. I regret that we didn´t get to take a speed test video when he was at his fastest. We were going to, then he got injured before we could. Shortly after he returned to training he lost interest in football and decided to stop training and playing. The above splits are pre-injury age 15 to 16 years.

40m Race against 4 other footballers

This video was taken to evaluate the benefits of a Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) program and whether it is beneficial or not. The athletes are ordered in age and from the top down are 18,17,16,15 and the girl is only 12 years old. From the top down the 2nd (Hayden), 3rd athlete and the girl have been in some type of LTAD for various lengths of time. If you look at Hayden, his first 10m is electric and he gains about 1.5m in only 10m. This is pretty impressive and keep in mind he wasn´t at the speeds he was doing prior to his injury and as we know the first 10m is the most important speed for sport.
Watch this video to the end. Hayden does a single leg lateral plyometric with a weight vest. The hurdles are 40cm high (nearly 25%) of his height and the weight vest is 6kg, so 10% of his bodyweight. The most impressive thing is that he hasn´t trained any of this stuff for over 18 months. All I can say is WOW!
Hayden deadlifting 130kg weighing just 63kg and aged only 18yo. That is more that 2 times his bodyweight
Hayden chest pressing the entire stack on a gym machine weighing only 63 kg and aged 18yo

25kg Speed sled pull for 30 metres

During a pretty low key speed session Hayden blasts out a 30mtr with 25kg on the speed sled. He followed this with a 4.16sec for 30mtr sprint in football boots on the dirt. Quite impressive.

1.2m Jump at 17 years old

Hayden doing a 1.2m jump if you slow it down at peak height he is probably about 1.4m high which is pretty impressive considering his total height is 1.71m.

180kg Half squat - aged 17 years

Hayden does a 180kg  half squat at age 17 years and he did 8 repetitions so could have done about 200kg for 3-4 reps

200kg Half short squat - aged 16 years

Hayden did this short squat after only just turning 16 years old and during one of the pre-season gym sessions. The camera is deceiving here as he actually goes to about 110 degree knee angle.

Treadmill maximal fitness test - aged 15 years

This treadmill test was done when Hayden was 15 and at the end of a pretty light pre-season. We are sure he would have done even better if the test was done at the finish of the season. A very good result as he achieved elite fitness levels at only 15yo. 61.5ml/kg/min

33kg single arm row - aged 15 years

Dumbbell row done in a standard gym session.

70cm plyometrics - aged 14 years

Plyometrics over 70cm hurdles at 14 years of age done in a standard gym session.

130kg Squat - aged 15

At age 15 Hayden squats to 100 degree knee angle during a standard gym session.

60cm plyometrics - aged 15 years

Plyometrics over 60cm hurdles at 13 years of age done in a standard gym session.

Agility race with training partner - aged 14 years

At age 14 Hayden and his training partner and friend Javier have an agility race during a standard speed session.

100kg Squat - aged 13 years

At age 13 years Hayden squatting 100kg in the gym.